- Mixed documentary
- Devil Worship
- Crime (murder)
- Religion
- Youth of today
- Power of the media - can the media influence an individuals behaviour?
Narrative structure
- Open narrative
- Non-linear
- Interviews all shot in medium close-up or close-up and framed to the left or right of screen. The eye-line of the interviewee is a 3rd of the way down the screen.
- The man selling the posters was shot with a hand-held camera which shows that the interview was not pre-arranged.
- Point-of-view of the policeman when he is walking into the building.
- Stock Footage - churches, religious iconography, crosses, christ, bell towers etc.
- Tracking, panning, zoom, crane.
- Zoom on innanimate object.
- Establishing shots of buildings etc.
- Close-up of reflection.
- Point-of-view of a fan in the crowd.
- Cap of police officer in foreground, officer in background.
- Isolated nun.
- Man in graveyard.
- Lighting - dark throughout.
- Stock footage is mystical.
- Lighting on Marylin Mansons face is light in one side dark on other - good/bad.
- Voice over - male, standard English, Scottish, calm, (glue that holds the narrative together).
- Translators - changed voices to fit the person on screen.
- Music - religious music, Marylin Mansons music, sound effects.
- Cut
- Don't see interview, just shots of priest in car.
Archive material
- News footage
- Nuns funeral
- Police
- Talk show
- Marylin Mansons videos
- Columbine
- Websites
- Girls with 'scars'
- Names of interviewees and their occupation/relevance of the topic. Font is white sans-serif with the top line being bigger and they anchor the relevence of the person to the topic.
- Ttile was gothic and styleized with relevence to the topic.
- White text closed the narrative of trial and anchored the audio.
- Credits were white sans-serif font.
- Translations of the ltrics.
- Dates + times of incidents.
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