Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Planning Part 2

Sandwich Shop Owner
We filmed an interview with a sandwich shop owner in their shop by Moreton Cross, the questions were:

1. What is your favourite sandwich?

2. Do you consider a sandwich a healthy option?

3. What made you want to run a sandwich shop?

4. Tell me about a typical day here?

5. Why do you think people like sandwiches? What’s the appeal?

6. Tell me about your sandwich range, most expensive, cheapest etc?

7. What do you say to the criticism that sandwiches are unhealthy?

8. What would you consider the perfect lunch?

9. How do you come up with new fillings to put in the sandwiches and do you test them first or just put them on sale?

10. Do you have regulars and if so, do they always get the same?

11. What do you think the appeal is of sandwiches?

12. Do you do requests and if so, what was the most unusual?

13. What are the most and least popular sandwiches bought?

This interview was successful and we are using most of the questions in our documentary. While there we had to film the start of the interview twice as the owner looked at the camera while we were filming the interview, he kept moving and he also didnt answer the question with the question we asked. So we then told him and interviewed him again.

We also filmed cutaways after the interview and made sure they were relevant to the questions we asked and the answers we were given.

Dinner Lady
We also filmed an interview with a dinner lady. We based this interview in the cafeteria and filmed it in mid shot. The questions we asked in this interview were:

1. School dinners have had a lot of criticism over the years, why do you think this is?

2. How have school dinners changed over the years?

3. Tell me about the guidelines you have to follow when preparing school dinners

4. What do you consider to be the perfect lunch and why?

5. What do students prefer to buy, hot meals or sandwiches and why do you think they are popular?
6. Do you think sandwiches are healthy? Explain?

7. What do you think are more healthy school meals or packed lunches and why?

8. What do you do to attract students to healthier options?

9. What is your favourite sandwich?

This interview was also successful and the answers she gave were very detailed. We also explained the codes and conventions of the interview before she started so that we wouldn't have to film it twice.

During the filming of this interview we filmed cutaways relevant to the interview with the dinner lady and the interview with the school nurse. Both the interview and cutaways were successful and both will be used in our documentary.

School Nurse
For the healthy eating subject in our documentary we got an interview with the school nurse about healthy eating and the healthy eating of school dinners. We originally waned a dietician to interview but after numerous calls to the doctors, gym and hospital none were available for an person to person interview but some were available for an interview over the phone which could not be used in our documentary.
The questions for this interview were as follows:

This interview came out very successful. We filmed the interview in the nurses office in front of some healthy eating posters so the miss en scene represented the subject matter.

We filmed cutaways for this interview at lunchtimes while children were eating there lunch in the canteen.

Food Tech Teacher
We filmed an interview with a food tech techer at Weatherhead about the cooking skils the pupils have when they join the school, healthy eating and sandwiches. These are the questions we asked:

1. Why do you think young people are choosing to make sandwiches instead of cooking a meal?

2. Do you think that sandwiches are a healthier option for lunch and why?

3. What are peoples cooking skills like when they come to this school?

4. Tell me about the sandwich project you teach in year 7?

5. Why do you teach it?

6. Whats your perfect lunch and why?

7. Do you think pupils should be taught healthy cooking from an earlier age and why?

8. Whats your favourite sandwich?

This interview was succesful and will be used in our documentary. We also filmed cutaways in a food tech lesson of year 9's making starters for a food project. These cutaways will be used in the interview.

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